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I-phorism, 2015. Digital print.  ​

Aphorism - a short clever saying that is intended to express a general truth. [1]


I-phorism is an ironic view of the virtual world. A universe filled with I-pods, I-pads,  selfies, and the users' obsession to make comments about everything, even if they don´t know what they are talking about. The project also questions the spreading of (fake) news, without fact-checking. 

Each I-phorism is like a piece of a puzzle, that the spectators put together in their minds. In this way, the viewer can form an individual's image of what art is since any definition of art is always a subjective one.  ​


I guess that´s it, 2015. Sound installation. Audio system, table, notebooks, pens, adhesive vinyl. Variable dimensions. Stereo audio 44 kHz. Duration 47´16´´.


For this project, we interviewed some visitors from Frestas Triennial of Art, some staff members, and artists, asking them "What do artists do?".

We also invited the audience to contribute to the artwork, asking them to write down the answer to the same question. 

 © 2021 by Pocket Entropy.

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